Won in one round? (in General)

Joel November 18 2009 4:24 AM EST

Joel defeated CodeGeass after 1 rounds of combat

Joel CodeGeass
Security cast Dispel Magic on all enemy Minions (4,475,600)

Ranged Combat
Security hit Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar [226211]
Security shot Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar [227908]
Security struck deep into Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar [217736]
Security cries "Do you need any help?!"
R.I.P. Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar

Thats the whole battle! I didn't even kill his other 4 minions and it appears they weren't even there at the start of the battle because no EDs were cast. I didn't double tap him, I checked! I'm also the only one that has fought him for the past hour.
Whats up with that?

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 18 2009 4:26 AM EST

thats bizarre.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 18 2009 5:06 AM EST

Someone fought him just before you, and lost. But killed of the other minions first.

You then attacked before he had a chance to 'heal'.

It's a double-tap, just with two different people.

QBJohnnywas November 18 2009 5:07 AM EST

But without anybody else doing the other tap GL, judging by the fightlogs of both chars.

Just a random little battle.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 18 2009 5:10 AM EST


AdminNightStrike November 18 2009 7:15 AM EST

Maybe the healing transaction isn't locked between healing minions. You fought just as he stopped being comatose:

Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 1 4:19 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:19 AM EST

Neo Japan November 18 2009 8:21 AM EST

Its the new," Fear and retreat" that was installed. only the nastiest of chars can do it. the other 4 up an ran away. Way to go JOEL!

Joel November 18 2009 8:56 AM EST

Heheh, thanks for the compliment Neo Japan! Maybe it was a timing thing like NS said. If it is then I got REALLY lucky to be able to do that, with how fast computers can process, it must've been a very small window of opportunity for such a thing.

Wraithlin November 18 2009 9:07 AM EST

Nah, if the other guy is slow pressing his attacks, you have up to 30 sec to do it. He may have been reading the log for a few sec to see why he lost and was about to kill him off, and you up and kill stole him.

blackshadowshade November 18 2009 9:12 AM EST

Wraithlin, that can't be so. Here's Code Geass's fight log around the time:

Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:24 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:24 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:23 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 1 4:19 AM EST

blackshadowshade November 18 2009 9:14 AM EST

Going back a little further:

Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 1 4:19 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:19 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:18 AM EST

Wraithlin November 18 2009 9:15 AM EST

yeah i was just looking at the logs myself.

Wraithlin November 18 2009 9:17 AM EST

I checked Code's logs too, and the last time someone attacked him and lost was prior to 4:19, it was like 3:57. And Code wasn't battling himself. Ghosts must of killed his other minions before Joel got there at 4:19.
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