November 18 2009 4:24 AM EST
Joel defeated CodeGeass after 1 rounds of combat
Joel CodeGeass
Security cast Dispel Magic on all enemy Minions (4,475,600)
Ranged Combat
Security hit Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar [226211]
Security shot Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar [227908]
Security struck deep into Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar [217736]
Security cries "Do you need any help?!"
R.I.P. Knightmare Frame Lancelot's familiar
Thats the whole battle! I didn't even kill his other 4 minions and it appears they weren't even there at the start of the battle because no EDs were cast. I didn't double tap him, I checked! I'm also the only one that has fought him for the past hour.
Whats up with that?
Someone fought him just before you, and lost. But killed of the other minions first.
You then attacked before he had a chance to 'heal'.
It's a double-tap, just with two different people.
November 18 2009 5:07 AM EST
But without anybody else doing the other tap GL, judging by the fightlogs of both chars.
Just a random little battle.
Maybe the healing transaction isn't locked between healing minions. You fought just as he stopped being comatose:
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 1 4:19 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:19 AM EST
Neo Japan
November 18 2009 8:21 AM EST
Its the new," Fear and retreat" that was installed. only the nastiest of chars can do it. the other 4 up an ran away. Way to go JOEL!
November 18 2009 8:56 AM EST
Heheh, thanks for the compliment Neo Japan! Maybe it was a timing thing like NS said. If it is then I got REALLY lucky to be able to do that, with how fast computers can process, it must've been a very small window of opportunity for such a thing.
November 18 2009 9:07 AM EST
Nah, if the other guy is slow pressing his attacks, you have up to 30 sec to do it. He may have been reading the log for a few sec to see why he lost and was about to kill him off, and you up and kill stole him.
Wraithlin, that can't be so. Here's Code Geass's fight log around the time:
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:24 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:24 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:23 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 1 4:19 AM EST
Going back a little further:
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 1 4:19 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:19 AM EST
Joel (F) (+) (Battle Royale II) CodeGeass (Gandalfs) Joel 5 4:18 AM EST
November 18 2009 9:15 AM EST
yeah i was just looking at the logs myself.
November 18 2009 9:17 AM EST
I checked Code's logs too, and the last time someone attacked him and lost was prior to 4:19, it was like 3:57. And Code wasn't battling himself. Ghosts must of killed his other minions before Joel got there at 4:19.
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