DoS/Burton (in Public Record)

DoS November 7 2009 6:14 PM EST

I am purchasing Burton's 8mil lvl tattoo for 64.3mil.

I will be sending approximately 39mil now and the rest when I get a loan (which should be relatively soon).

Please send it over once I send the first payment.

Burton November 7 2009 6:27 PM EST

Confirm here.

DoS November 7 2009 6:29 PM EST

deifeln8 (Spirit Soaring) Burton (Canada) $39000000 6:28 PM EST

Burton November 7 2009 6:33 PM EST

Burton (Canada) deifeln8 (Spirit Soaring) Steroids ($147261458) 6:32 PM EST

Amount owed for you: 25,300,000

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 7 2009 7:45 PM EST

Admiralkiller (AK's revenge) Burton (Canada) $10000000 7:43 PM EST

Now Deifeln8 owes me 10,100,000 and the rest I'll leave to these two to figure out.

Burton November 10 2009 4:24 PM EST

15,300,000 owed.

DoS November 16 2009 2:35 PM EST

deifeln8 (Spirit Soaring) Burton (Galaxy) $8000000 2:35 PM EST

7.3mil left

DoS November 16 2009 2:37 PM EST

deifeln8 (Spirit Soaring) Burton (Galaxy) $7300000 2:36 PM EST

All paid, thanks for the tattoo :D
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