Free web host site (in Off-topic)

Pwned November 3 2009 8:53 PM EST

if anyone wants a free web hosting site then click my referral link they are pretty decent for being free

adampurkis November 3 2009 9:43 PM EST

ha! i use them too.. works pretty good, and they offer mysql and everything

Lord Bob November 3 2009 10:09 PM EST

MySQL Databases
CGI Scripts
Ruby On Rails

Wow, I might use them in the future.

Demigod November 3 2009 10:33 PM EST

Considering that I have no idea what any of the things LB mentioned are, and considering that the last websites I made were on the late, great GeoCities and made from HTML and an a copy of DreamWeaver from the 90s, I might be at a loss here.

But how good is their creation software? Using just what's given, can I can easily grab one of their templates, swap out text and pics (and do a little PhotoChop) and still have a remotely sleek site?

Lord Bob November 3 2009 11:33 PM EST

Which brings me to: why is MySQL not working on my machine suddenly?

Oh well, uninstall.. reinstall.. it works fine now!

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 4 2009 12:42 PM EST

+1 for having Fantastico.

Pwned November 9 2009 5:41 PM EST

Uh their templates are pretty good I guess but I don't want to use them cause I want my own individual site....and on that note someone should help me in my other topic.
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