Auctions (in General)

QBJohnnywas October 21 2009 5:58 AM EDT

...are looking particularly empty right now. Anybody getting more drops than usual?

Tattoos!! Have they left the building?

Have I had too much coffee!?!?!??


Wraithlin October 21 2009 6:01 AM EDT




Brakke Bres [Ow man] October 21 2009 6:09 AM EDT

Only had 1 ever

Real men fight naked

Not enough.

/Serious mode on

If people sell a lot in auctions then the auctioneer does not spawn anything for a while.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] October 21 2009 6:29 AM EDT

Not since the first month.

Tattoos are overpriced due to the disappearance rate of them.

We all know you have.

Guardian October 21 2009 6:48 AM EDT

no way tatoo overpriced! they are beeing very cheap i bought all kinds of it 250k each at max
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