NUB Question (in General)

Burton October 20 2009 4:06 PM EDT

Who has had the best NUB ever?
What were his max stats?
Anyone know?

QBRanger October 20 2009 4:11 PM EDT

The best "NUB" attempt IMO was Mantra who took one to the top after buying 3 minions. Mantra's MPR was about 1.8M when he took the top spot.

However it was then discovered months later it was a multi :(

Right now I believe RAWR is the best/highest of the NUB characters currently playing who finished the NUB.

Right now I do not know who is doing best with their NUB. The only one I am looking at currently is Joel.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 20 2009 4:13 PM EDT

What about FTW?

QBRanger October 20 2009 4:15 PM EDT

Forgot about FTW, who is now currently number 2 in the standings.

One of the best NUB runs as well and a persistant player in CB.

Took the top with buying 3 minions also and just lost the top status to Mikel.

I think he was 2.8M MPR when he took the top.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 20 2009 6:55 PM EDT

While he was playing regularly, before his promotion at work, Forger Furry did and Awesome Job with Lord of Wars. Solare did a really good job with Aztroll as well.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 20 2009 6:57 PM EDT

Two NUB users have overtaken top MPR, one NCB has done the same.
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