Any Wheel of Time fans around? (in Off-topic)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 5 2009 2:50 AM EDT

I was curious to see if I was the only one eagerly awaiting the newest book coming out on October 27th. I know I've seen a few WoT themed teams around, just curious what you think? Personally, I'm more excited for this book than any other I've ever read.

For those of you that don't know, the Wheel of Time is a lengthy and complex fantasy series written by Robert Jordan. Eleven books and one prequel already have been written. These are long books too, he makes Tolkien look like a short story writer.

However, Robert Jordan passed away within the last few years. He left notes and instructions with his editor and wife, and they hired on Brandon Sanderson to finish the last book. However, so much material was left to cover they will be splitting it into three new books, a finishing trilogy. Sanderson is an excellent writer too, by the way. I loved his Mistborn trilogy and Elantris was a great read too.

So yeah, I'm excited. And if you ever read and want something new, try the Wheel of Time, starting with The Eye of the World. You won't be disappointed.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 5 2009 2:53 AM EDT

Oh wow. I have been waiting for forever for the next book to come out. Its great to know that it will be coming out this month. I had heard that it was being finished but it has been a long time since I heard anything definitive about it.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2009 2:56 AM EDT

Agreed I was disappointed when he died and for greedy reasons I had some of this knowledge but I am glad you took the time to Inform me and others.

I read lots different books Fantasy is my favorite Genre and this series is among my favorite. For anyone that likes this genre and has not read them I would strongly suggest it from book 1/or the prequel which does not give away any spoilers.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] October 5 2009 4:12 AM EDT

Honestly, I've never read anything by Sanderson and if he fails in this series, I will never read anything by him after it. WoT was an amazing series and when Robert Jordan passed, it was a loss to the Fantasy style of books.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 5 2009 4:49 AM EDT

The WoT outgrew itself. It's far too large, and could have been condensed immensley.

I would routinely forget what had happened between the last book I read by the time the next had been released.

I'm glad to hear it's finally ending.

Wait, it's ending on a trillogy? Lol.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2009 6:00 AM EDT

I guess I'm Glad I waited to read the entire series, when the Trilogy is finished being released I will be getting the entire series then leisurely take my time and read it :-)

I had the same problem with The Sword of Truth Series GL and it ended with a Trilogy of books too.....go figure on that :-P

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2009 7:02 AM EDT

I'll admit it, I used to be crazy about the WoT series.
After maturing some, I began to find the plot (not to mention the characters & their laughable "relationships") a bit silly.
Looking at it critically, it's a mess.

In fact, I completely agree with this reviewer. (Except, I don't believe the series was quite as Tolkien-esque as he made it out to be. I think the influences from Dune were much, much more noticeable and serious.)
I will likely read the last (three. Sigh. Never let a good cash-cow opportunity go to waste.) books out of habit, but at this point, I really just want the Dark One to blow everyone to pieces. ;)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2009 7:04 AM EDT

Also, Cotillion will be my only forger (assuming he doesn't quit) in gratitude for recommending me the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 5 2009 7:11 PM EDT

Zen, I gave up on the Sword of Truth stuff after a couple of the books. ;)

It was also too much of a WoT clone for my liking. ;)

Now one series i'd really recommend is James Barclay's Raven books. 6 of them, and they start with "Dawnthief".

Very good read! ;)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 5 2009 7:13 PM EDT

Marl, I'm reading that review. ;) so far totally agree with it! ;)

"mainly, that each volume is criminally overlong"


GnuUzir October 5 2009 7:31 PM EDT

When I heard Sanderson was finishing the series I picked up his other books to see if I thought he had what it took...

I think he does...

The Mistborn trilogy was pretty good, it had an interesting "magic" system and the ending was good enough that I did not see it coming.

But I guess only time will tell with the rest of WoT, I really want it to be good *crosses fingers*

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 5 2009 8:54 PM EDT

I had my doubts about the ending of the WoT being a trilogy, but it really does make sense. There are so many characters and events that need to still take place. From reading Sanderson's blog, it really sounds like they wanted to do one book. But a 1500+ page book would be kind of unrealistic, don't you think?

Yeah, the WoT does ramble lol. I like to think it adds flavor and depth to it that some stories lack. I have to admit I love some of the interactions between characters. Just the way Rand, Perrin, and Matt always wish they were as good with girls as the others makes me chuckle.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 6 2009 2:04 PM EDT

Rambling adds flavor and depth?

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 27 2009 12:30 AM EDT

Only one more day of waiting... so close. Must read!

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 27 2009 12:30 AM EDT

Is this release date for Canada as well?

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 27 2009 2:25 AM EDT

I think it is the same, looks like Amazon is showing it as the same for CA and US.
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