We're off again - $100k giveaway (in Contests)

AdminG Beee October 2 2009 2:12 PM EDT

Whomever posts the lowest whole number before 18:00Hrs server time today wins the $100k pot.

Whole number must be >0 and <100. I'm not trying to catch anyone out, it's got to be 1 through 99 in other words...

As with the last time the money will only be paid to the single person who's number hasn't already been used by another.

One single entry only folks otherwise you'll be disqualified.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 2 2009 2:14 PM EDT


Brakke Bres [Ow man] October 2 2009 2:18 PM EDT


AdminTal Destra October 2 2009 2:19 PM EDT


Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 2 2009 2:23 PM EDT


TheHatchetman October 2 2009 2:24 PM EDT


TourneyPrizes [TheQueensMelee] October 2 2009 2:28 PM EDT


BluBBen October 2 2009 2:30 PM EDT

Go tourney prices!!

AdminShade October 2 2009 2:47 PM EDT

Lol, I meant to pick 32 for me but forgot I was working on the Tourney with TP account xD


Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 2 2009 2:51 PM EDT


AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 2 2009 2:53 PM EDT


QBRanger October 2 2009 2:54 PM EDT


winner winner October 2 2009 3:01 PM EDT


Neo Japan October 2 2009 3:10 PM EDT


AdminG Beee October 2 2009 3:11 PM EDT

lol @ shade.

Demigod October 2 2009 3:19 PM EDT


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 2 2009 3:22 PM EDT


Edicinnej October 2 2009 3:27 PM EDT


Unappreciated Misnomer October 2 2009 3:33 PM EDT


BluBBen October 2 2009 3:42 PM EDT

Sorry Tal ;-)


DoS October 2 2009 3:54 PM EDT


AdminG Beee October 2 2009 4:05 PM EDT

I hope some of you guys are collaborating.

If I were the 2nd lowest number I'd be asking some of my friends to disqualify the lowest guy by picking his number. I'd even share some of the pot with my friend if he did this for me.

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] October 2 2009 4:20 PM EDT


{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- October 2 2009 4:38 PM EDT


Apotheosis October 2 2009 4:46 PM EDT

:3 10.

AdminG Beee October 4 2009 3:24 PM EDT

Oops, forgot about this. Congrats Demigod...

AdminG Beee (AdminBeee) Demigod (Demigod) $100000 -- msg_id=002tHK 3:23 PM EDT

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