Minion recruit Q. (in General)

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 15 2009 12:17 PM EDT

Let's say I want to know in advance how much it would cost me to recruit at 100k MPR. How can I calculate this?

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 15 2009 12:19 PM EDT

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 15 2009 12:26 PM EDT

Okay. I went there before posting, I swear. But to be frank, it's chinese to me. So I'll make it simpler to anyone who cares to respond here, as I don't think you'll want to take the responsibility to make me go through all my failed math classes. And then making me pass them :P

I should have chosen that path in the first place:

At 100k mpr, how much does it cost to recruit? I'll go from there. Thanks :)

QBRanger September 15 2009 12:40 PM EDT

It all depends on the xp you have on your highest xp minion.

A single minion 100k MPR character will have different hiring costs than a 3 minion 100k MPR character.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 15 2009 12:44 PM EDT

Which means you cannot answer me :)

Hah, I'll wait and see then, thanks!

QBRanger September 15 2009 12:45 PM EDT


I have a 94k MPR character with 3 minions, all equal xp.

It cost 370k for the top minion, 150k for the lesser.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 15 2009 12:47 PM EDT

That gives me a good idea of what I should expect.

AdminShade September 15 2009 12:49 PM EDT

You can calculate it though.

Use the formula to calculate the amount of experience your character would have at 100k MPR and then how much you would pay :)

AdminShade September 15 2009 12:54 PM EDT

100 000 MPR * (1.4307 * (100 000 MPR ^0.2501)) = 2 547 115.14 EXP

2 547 115.14 EXP * 0.33 * 3 = $ 2 521 643.99 cost for expensive option
2 547 115.14 EXP * 0.22 * 2 = $ 1 120 730.66 cost for cheap option

$ 2 521 643.99 / 3 = 840 547.997 Experience on the new minion.

QBRanger September 15 2009 12:54 PM EDT

I would think a single minion at 100k would at most need 1M to buy the top minion.

However, on a NCB run, the difference in xp between minion at the end of that run, if you buy one at 100k MPR is very little.

I would save the money and buy all your minions at the start.

AdminShade September 15 2009 12:57 PM EDT

hadn't seen the post you made Ranger, my numbers must be hugely off somehow...

QBRanger September 15 2009 1:04 PM EDT

The more expensive minion gives 1/9th the total xp of the most xp minion.

So if 100k MPR = 2 547 115.14 EXP

Then 2 547 115.14/9 = 283013 exp

283013 x 3 = about 800k for the most expensive one.

TheHatchetman September 15 2009 1:17 PM EDT

RoE is so ftw :P Had a better XP concentration into a single minion on a 4-minion tam than i coulda gotten by waiting to 1.9m MPR and spending 27m on each of three minions :D

QBRanger September 15 2009 1:20 PM EDT

Yes Hatch.

But hiring minions does give you more total xp on the character.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 15 2009 1:27 PM EDT

The reason I'm asking is because I was trying to come up with a way to kick start my NCB somehow. FB is causing me trouble by being nullified by AC down low, and it's my only source of damage.

I was going for a two minion, EE:Fam strat but I'd start as a single minion ranged tank to simplify my ascension at first. Then I thought I'd recruit at 100k MPR, when magic damage becomes more potent, and build my final strat at that moment.

So I was not looking for a MPR boost, but for an XP focus down low. If that makes any sense.

QBRanger September 15 2009 1:33 PM EDT

Unless you start as a single minion or at most 2, you will quickly find that DD minions become fairly useless as a primary attacker later on.

Tattoos, with their concentrated xp become more and more of a factor than minions.

So unless you plan on keeping 1 or 2 minions your entire way, hiring a third will result in more xp dilution and a less effective mage.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 15 2009 1:35 PM EDT

The plan was:

1 minion to 100k MPR (Ranged tank + FF) then 2 minions the rest of the way. (2 enchanters + FF)

QBRanger September 15 2009 1:36 PM EDT

Not too bad.

However the difference between minions hiring one at 100k is so little as to make the hiring at that time a waste of money.

Best to start with 3 minions rather than hire one at 100k MPR.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 15 2009 1:47 PM EDT

I take note :)

Lochnivar September 15 2009 2:06 PM EDT

I did a quick test a while back and calculated that the xp return on buying BA was about 1xp : 2CBD.
Compared to the 1xp : 3CBD for the expensive minion this is quite a boost.

With the lowered cash rewards this is probably now 1 : 2.1 or so... either way, if you have to choose between buying BA or hiring a minion always go with the BA.

Of course... if you can do both.... :-)

Strat considerations will also impact your choices here by the cost effectiveness of the two approaches should be kept in mind.

*Note, the XP/BA I figured out was a non-NCB number... not sure what difference that will make.
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