Hey (in New players)

Ryaku September 12 2009 10:13 AM EDT

Just dropping in to say hi!

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 12 2009 10:16 AM EDT


Demigod September 12 2009 10:16 AM EDT

I just lent you a lesser familiar. Congrats, but upgrade when you can. Regular familiars are key to the game.

AdminShade September 12 2009 10:18 AM EDT

Hi Ryaku.

I hope you are not only dropping in to say hi but also to have a stay and get to know us ;)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 12 2009 10:56 AM EDT

Welcome to Carnage Blender! If you have any questions feel free to ask, there are many experienced vets with answers willing to help.


Follow the link there is some decent advice there that will help. For everything else pop up in chat and ask around.
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