novice-tutorial 0.1a story boarding (in General)
I suggest going to activities and making a copy so you can see the speaker notes easily since that's most of what it is right now.
Any help would be great, google docs is easy to use and should work well enough. If we need to we can always convert to flash later I suspect.
September 2 2009 2:45 PM EDT
<3 I'll take a harder look when it's not 4:45 AM. Yay tutorial progress :D
My character landed a role in a movie! I'm so proud!
Ahem, back on topic. A tutorial which showcases more than one archetype of character would be awesome.
September 3 2009 1:30 AM EDT
Anything more with the types of minions? You've got archer, tank, mage, RoBF and multi minion teams? Is RoBF necessary? Perhaps just have a page talking about tattoos as well, I don't recall there being one.
September 3 2009 1:58 AM EDT
Just reading from Flamey's post, if you're going to talk about RoBF strategies then I agree, there might as well be a talk about every single tattoo.
September 3 2009 2:59 AM EDT
RoBF can act as a primary damage source, which is what i think he was showcasing. other tattoos are either secondary equipment, or best summed up as tank or mage, the variations of which to be learned about as you build up some core stats ^_^
September 3 2009 1:17 PM EDT
Well all the Familiars can be main damage dealers like the RoBF?
September 3 2009 1:21 PM EDT
I really do personally believe the tutorial should be just showing people how the interface works.
Which is basically finding opponents, training, using the stores and auction house. Also, using rentals is big.
Things like Clans, specific strategies and tattoos should be left till after the person learns the interface of the game.
However, I do feel starting everyone as a single minion FB mage would get them started on one of the easiest strategies and help them learn the basics.
From there they can use the forums, chat and wiki to formulate a more permanent strategy.
Also, new players need access to chat from the moment they finish the tutorial.
Tattoos should be held off the tutorial or just briefly mentioned since they are more advanced and can be discovered via the first couple days of gameplay.
I do prefer the KISS technique, over complicated tutorials where so much information is coming at you, you do not know where to really begin.
A brief explanation of the NUB highlighting its value is needed.
September 3 2009 2:27 PM EDT
I think there is a difference between teaching strategies and simply pointing out what types of minions are available.
Given the number of newbie advice sessions that start with "well, your mage doesn't need a weapon so you can sell that Tulwar" I think a basic explanation of tanks vs mages is good.
I'll take a longer look at this in the future nov, nice start though.
September 3 2009 2:57 PM EDT
"start with "well, your mage doesn't need a weapon so you can sell that Tulwar""
+1 It's such a common mistake.
September 3 2009 3:00 PM EDT
What novice is doing is an excellent start and as a community, if he wants our help, we should give it willingly.
Email me if you'd like editing access
everyone should take a look at the work NightStrike did on it...
September 4 2009 10:15 AM EDT
Should we be serious or is it okay to be colloquial?
September 4 2009 10:16 AM EDT
Please can we have chat open up right away after registration.
Please can we have the NUB start after the tutorial?
At this point consider your edits to be suggestions, they can be easily undone or revised.
From my point of view the #1 goal of the tutorial is to give new players a chance to stick around by making things as interesting as possible. Others have stated the tutorial should be a simple guide to the mechanics of CB.
September 4 2009 10:57 AM EDT
And if this motivates anyone to help out, then consider this your chance to leave a lasting mark for all future multis players. Thanks to all who do help.
September 5 2009 9:04 AM EDT
Active character description probably isn't needed but more on how to fight. Inspect is there, but fight is lacking unless I missed a placeholder/notes.
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