Happy B-day MESO!!! (in Off-topic)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] August 20 2009 11:28 PM EDT

Congrats on the 23rd! Glad you're spending your B-day night with us playing CGen ;P. Hope it was a great one!

PearsonTritonRaveshaw August 20 2009 11:33 PM EDT


Demigod August 20 2009 11:36 PM EDT

Hey! Congrats on still being alive!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 21 2009 12:00 AM EDT

You're OLD! Congrats!

lostling August 21 2009 12:01 AM EDT

Gratz :)

TheHatchetman August 21 2009 12:13 AM EDT

Happy Birthday Meso!! :D

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 21 2009 12:16 AM EDT

Happy Birthday meso... meso it's your birthday! :-)

ceslis August 21 2009 12:20 AM EDT

Happy Birthday =)

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] August 21 2009 12:21 AM EDT

Just in case you didnt know its your birthday!!! Have a good one Meso ^.^

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] August 21 2009 12:22 AM EDT

Happy Birthday! Here sent you something to wear...

AdminShade August 21 2009 1:15 AM EDT

Happy 21st :D

Mesoshort August 21 2009 1:17 AM EDT

Lol, thank you Shade :)

DoS August 21 2009 1:18 AM EDT

Happy birthday! :)

BootyGod August 21 2009 1:23 AM EDT

Happy Birthday, darling! =D

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 21 2009 2:20 AM EDT

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soul Eater August 21 2009 2:30 AM EDT

My 26th Birthday was yesterday, never got around to making a post.

Soul Eater August 21 2009 2:31 AM EDT

Also Happy Birthday.

AdminQBVerifex August 21 2009 2:32 AM EDT

Happy birthday Meso, but don't let it go to your head! I know you still hate me! :)

QBJohnnywas August 21 2009 2:38 AM EDT

Happy birthday!

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] August 21 2009 7:08 AM EDT

Happy birthday to you!

You live in a zoo!

Your friends are all monkies!

And I am one too!

Oh wait...

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 21 2009 7:15 AM EDT

Happy birthday, Meso!

Burton August 21 2009 7:21 AM EDT


Lilligant August 21 2009 8:50 AM EDT

Happy Birthday!

winner winner August 21 2009 8:58 AM EDT

Happy Birthday!!!

kevlar August 21 2009 9:28 AM EDT

Happy B-Day!

cube.the August 21 2009 12:29 PM EDT

Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good one!
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