Thank You Everyone! (in General)

Django July 12 2009 12:48 AM EDT

As my NUB is ending, I would like to thank everyone here for helping me. It has been a fun run and so many people have gave me pointers. Thanks again guys!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 12 2009 12:49 AM EDT

Any Time Bro!

Demigod July 12 2009 1:11 AM EDT

Score 6,413,646

Wowza. Great NUB run!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 12 2009 2:58 AM EDT


Incredible NUB Run Bro, what you have done with it is a testimony to what a successful one should be!

Follow this link if you cannot see this picture clearly. I just couldn't make Carnage Blender show it right, I'm not that savvy on things of this nature so please bear with me :)

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