I've got a feeling... (in Contests)

PRDGY June 27 2009 3:37 PM EDT

that tonight's gonna be a good night :)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- June 27 2009 4:05 PM EDT


I hope all goes well!

Lord Bob June 27 2009 4:09 PM EDT

"that tonight's gonna be a good night."

Something UFC related?

I know tonight will be a great night of boxing, but I don't follow too much in the UFC.

Demigod June 27 2009 4:17 PM EDT

Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling

Demigod June 27 2009 4:18 PM EDT

You guys didn't catch that he posted this in Contests.

PRDGY June 27 2009 4:31 PM EDT

demigod, you're getting warm.

Lord Bob June 27 2009 4:37 PM EDT

"You guys didn't catch that he posted this in Contests."

I did. I just figured the correct answer was something UFC related.
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