Before the item drop change, I've never seen any upgraded items over 500k spawned by the auctioneer and now there's a +9 corn in auctions.
Is this a bug or a feature?
June 21 2009 1:31 PM EDT
This used to be possible in store (up to 9 or 10 upgrades, not sure which), so why not in auctions?
I don't remember it spawning 3M+ nw items.
hmm, seems it does. The lottery variance is even more than I thought.
wouldn't have minded that drop, it would've been like hitting the lottery.
June 21 2009 7:23 PM EDT
yeah Leather Gloves +9 with a NW of ~50k, not a corn that big. Heck my corns aren't even that big on my team :/
June 21 2009 7:29 PM EDT
Before this new lottery system, I do not remember the auctioneer spawning items of any real NW.
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