clan is on moderated, won't let me change to open and does not show me any applicants when they apply.
June 15 2009 3:33 PM EDT
I just tried and was able to change BR to open/moderated/closed at will.
i believe there used to be a way to change ownership as well...does that still exist?
June 15 2009 3:42 PM EDT
It used to be on the user ID page.
NS forgot to replace that link. It used to be just by Supporter and other info about the person.
i was also asked if i tried to sign out. i haven't had a log out button in ages either.
June 15 2009 3:43 PM EDT
would you allow me to look around?
June 15 2009 3:51 PM EDT
Your clan is set to open now, I had no problems setting it.
Your sign out however is really broken:
<ul id="help">
<a href="/wiki/"><strong>Help!</strong></a>
<a href="/">Home</a>
<a href="/pvt/home.tcl">Settings</a>
Usually people have a
<a href="/register/logout.tcl">Log out</a>
below it, but you could make a quicklink to log out as well. I'm pretty confident that this needs a fix though.
i have had clan issues in the past as well. they seem to return. are all of these issues likely related?
gonna wiki my log out issue, thanks again shade.
June 15 2009 4:05 PM EDT
The logout is broken for people (like dudemus and me) who linked their facebook account with our CB account. It's been that way for over a year - never been fixed.
oh, i did not remember that being linked to the facebook. i do remember the no homepage though!
June 15 2009 4:43 PM EDT
Thanks a lot for checking this out!!!
It's not broken. That's just how it is. If you're a facebook user, you logout via facebook.
ns, did jon ever get back to you on if there was a way to unlink accounts, since it has such an impact on usability?
* once linked you cannot have an email address shown
* once linked you cannot logout through the normal means
* once linked you cannot add a homepage
* are there more?
had i personally known of these limitations, i never would have linked it especially since the only reason i linked was to try to help cb out and plug it on facebook.
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