Naming an Item (in General)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] June 2 2009 3:37 PM EDT

Will Naming a base item, weapon or armor, increase that item to the point where it would be too large for a new characters Encumbrance? I'm thinking of running a MsK Archer as my next NCB but also naming every single item on the character and trying to figure out if I'll be able to do this immediately from the start of if I'll have to wait.

winner winner June 2 2009 3:38 PM EDT

naming doesn't do anything to ENC

iBananco [Blue Army] June 2 2009 3:38 PM EDT

Naming doesn't increase the net worth.

QBJohnnywas June 2 2009 3:39 PM EDT

The naming doesn't add to the NW. So provided the base NW isn't too big you should be able to use it from the start.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] June 2 2009 3:40 PM EDT

*Laughs evilly and steeples his fingers.* Excellent.

Neo Japan June 2 2009 3:41 PM EDT

Naming doesn't increase NW, thus not increasing Encumbrance.

QBRanger June 2 2009 3:44 PM EDT

A few people use this to their advantage in the very early part of the game.

They name a base item, therefore getting x150 "free" and use that in the beginning.

Using 100 dexterity for BTH hits and the naming for damage, one can pick targets to get a 100% challenge bonus for a while without having any PR addition from your weapon.

QBRanger June 2 2009 3:45 PM EDT

"*Laughs evilly and steeples his fingers.* Excellent. "

But remember Mr. Burns, Homer will always find a way to ruin your evil plan.

AdminShade June 2 2009 3:51 PM EDT

some people even tried this during a tournament :p gave them a nice advantage to damage ;)
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