1 Mil MRP! (in Off-topic)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 31 2009 12:31 AM EDT

FuerGrissa ost Drauka Created May 02, 2009
PR / MPR : 1,498,867 / 1,000,509 Max tattoo : 1,889,049

I finally made it! Woohoo!

j'bob May 31 2009 12:32 AM EDT

chest bump and super high five!!!!!

BadFish May 31 2009 12:33 AM EDT

Wow, impressive growth! 1m MPR and only 1 month into your NCB!

Goodfish May 31 2009 12:38 AM EDT

Definitely some impressive growth. Keep it up!!

Demigod May 31 2009 12:39 AM EDT

Congrats on the super fast work! Did you start with 1600 BA?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 31 2009 12:57 AM EDT

Yes I did start with 1600 BA and have been buying BA every day. when I am finished I will post my NCB Diary. It has all of the Pertinent Information from Daily/Weekly BA costs to Rental Costs, Item Upgrades, Growth Week by Week and BA Regen Change Times and Count. I think most of you guys will Enjoy the Read. Until then Thanks :D

kevlar May 31 2009 1:09 AM EDT

rockstar :)

Wasp May 31 2009 4:57 AM EDT

Congrats dude. You are running away with the show. I can't keep up lol : (

Newlin [SeeD] May 31 2009 10:19 AM EDT

Great job man! Keep up the good work...and the CP's :D

Ernest-Scribbler May 31 2009 10:46 AM EDT

Grats, i can see 2 mil on the horizon:D
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