Help... :) 100K to correct answer (in Contests)

{cb2}ShadeSlayer May 21 2009 6:09 PM EDT


whats the word for words that are spelled different, sound the exact same and have different meanings?

100K for the correct answer.

Demigod May 21 2009 6:10 PM EDT

hominems or however it's spelled i believe

Cube May 21 2009 6:11 PM EDT


j'bob May 21 2009 6:14 PM EDT


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 21 2009 6:18 PM EDT


AdminShade May 21 2009 6:18 PM EDT

cube is correct by saying homonyms

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 21 2009 6:20 PM EDT

homonyms are a subset of homophones that are spelled alike, if i recall correctly. but the homophone is for words that have different spellings but sound alike.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] May 21 2009 6:20 PM EDT

Actually dudemus is correct with homophones. Homonyms are words like right and right. The first right meaning correct, and the second meaning not left.

{cb2}ShadeSlayer May 21 2009 6:26 PM EDT

ShadeSlayer ({CB2} NCB) dudemus (Kwai Chang) $100000 6:26 PM EDT

Thanks for playing :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 21 2009 6:44 PM EDT

woohoo! thanks for the contest. ; )

Invader Sye May 21 2009 6:51 PM EDT

bear is a noun, and bare is a verb

tis homonyms

Invader Sye May 21 2009 6:52 PM EDT

grr... homophones

sound ^_^
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