Godwolf's Loans (in Services)

BootyGod May 12 2009 9:29 AM EDT

I'm re-opening my loans very soon (NOT YET. Do NOT CM me today asking for loans. It'll be another day or two before I'll actually be ready to start sending out cash. Please, be patient).

For those of you who don't know about my loan business, it's rather simple. I can do very large loans, very low interest and with very flexible payment schedules. I'm more than fair when it comes to my loans, as you'll see if you continue to read. But not everyone can take a loan from me.

Firstly, the loans themselves.

I will handle loans ranging from 3 million up to 20 million easily and without much hassle. (I will do below 3 million, but at an increased interest cost or decreased, depending on my mood.)

- Loans ABOVE 20 million are still possible (very, actually), but there has to be a reason above "I just need to buy some stuff". This includes covering business payments on weapons/tattoos, buying minion(s), buying characters.

I can go up to 50 million on a loan with some kind of purpose. I may even go higher, but that would be something I'd have to be cnvinced of.

- The typical interest on all my loans is a 4% fee + xfers. Basically, 5% one time fee. (This is a bit higher than it used to be, but only because I'm lazy and like comfy numbers). No weekly/monthly fees will EVER be charged.

- The typical payment required per week is 1 million. The larger the loan, the more strict I am on this (I can go lower, but do keep in mind that when you're talking a 50 million CB loan, 1 mil a week means you'll be in debt for a year. So... Yeah)

- All cash will come from my character "Item Management" and all payments will be sent there as well. The money on ANY other character is entirely my own (Do not ask about it. It's mine. Buzz off :P)

- I do NOT handle USD.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.

Now, the little... Hangs up, so to speak.

- First, and most importantly, I do these loans to HELP players. I do not really make any money from these. The interest is just there for technical reasons (and you won't find cheaper). Do not expect me to do all the loan work for you.

- Only players who are in Gondor and with a clean credit history are eligible for my loans. And then I still have the power to refuse to do business with anyone for -any- reason.

A note: If you're not in Gondor, you can still get a loan from me, but it requires a player in Gondor to co-sign a loan with you (as in, if you don't pay up, they will or face the same penalties you do.) I don't recommend anyone doing this, but it's an option.

- Loans are done on -my- time. If you're not willing to wait a day or two to work out details, then there's no way I'm trusting you with large loans.

- I'm very hand off once the loan is made. You make payments and I will totally leave you alone. But don't make me have to start bothering you about getting my money. We won't do business again if I have to.

- A player in Gondor who hasn't played for -at least- the last 3 months solid is not eligible for my loans without a co-signer or without an okay from me.

- Once again, loans are done on my time. If I don't respond to a CM about a loan, it means I was busy or lagging. You can CM me again in a day or two or just wait for me to CM you back (I typically will, eventually. I'm just a bit slow).

Okay. I think that's all. All these terms are flexible (I may seem a bit strict, but these rules are rather general. Remember, I am trying to help out other players here, I just don't want it to become a hassle for me).

Look for the loans to be ready to come out later today or tomorrow.

BootyGod May 12 2009 9:54 AM EDT

Oh. One more thing I should mention.

I'm handling these loans. Some of you may know that another has a part to play in these loans. That doesn't matter to you. I'm handling them. If I tell you no, or don't respond, get over it. Last time I ran these loans I had people going around me.

Not this time. Try that kind of thing again, and I won't be handling your loans.

Thanks for understanding ;P

BootyGod May 14 2009 12:02 AM EDT

Loans are now open.

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