Jon mentioned the server might be going south...
(which might be why we were just down)
What can we the CB community do to help?
I'll do my part, if there is anything I can do.
May 10 2009 9:22 PM EDT
Give lots of $$ to him to upgrade the servers?
I don't know, what can we do? Sign a petition to change servers?
Where did he mention that?
Thought he just upgraded the servers? lol.
small - "just" was a few years ago
Is chat still down, or is that just me?
May 10 2009 9:30 PM EDT
Yeah - Chat's down for me too.
May 10 2009 9:49 PM EDT
"How can we help?"
If I correctly remember what previously provided the necessary funds, what we need is for a very rich player to start using a bot to compete. :)
The best way to help is with new users and new supporters.
My offer still stands for a free supporter item after 5 referrals become supporters.
Maybe we can start a fund, people donate CB and someone else buys it, then send the money to Jon to help with the cost of the CPU/Motherboard.
Maybe the server has developed an allergy to idealogical rhetoric ;)
May 11 2009 11:26 PM EDT
give one of the computer hardware companies some $CBD to cover the cost
I am sure the last thing we need is some new players with a lot of CBD to start with (of course I am assuming those computer hardware guys don't already play).
May 12 2009 12:47 AM EDT
*sigh* I'll go back to sending out referrals.
May 12 2009 1:11 AM EDT
A friend of mine started playing and now is a supporter, he isn't a referral though. :)
May 12 2009 1:21 AM EDT
More incentives for referrals is a good idea. Before it was a 100k and I thought that was a bit too much effort for it considering I'd make that much in one day. Free supporter item per x referrals is a really nice idea and I like a lot. There should more than just a base incentive. There should be a special bonus for things like 5, 10 and 20 referrals and so on.
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