NS - Voting (in Public Record)

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 7:52 PM EDT

If you voted for NS please sign below...

am handing out money for him..

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] May 9 2009 7:53 PM EDT

I did! Send cash to Tim.

DoS May 9 2009 7:53 PM EDT

I did !

blackshadowshade May 9 2009 7:55 PM EDT

Me too! (BTW, NS, I truly do think the project is a good idea!)

Lochnivar May 9 2009 7:55 PM EDT

I did... let NS keep his cash or send it to Tourney Prizes

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 7:55 PM EDT

Got y'all too and Shade

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 7:56 PM EDT

Sent, Loch yours is in TP like you asked

bohab May 9 2009 7:59 PM EDT

Voted ☺

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 8:11 PM EDT

Gotcha Rhap

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 8:12 PM EDT

Nayab your taken care of...

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 9 2009 8:12 PM EDT

I voted and i hope NS wins it :)

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 9 2009 8:12 PM EDT

oops sorry

Soul Eater May 9 2009 8:12 PM EDT

I voted!

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 8:16 PM EDT

SS4 gotcha

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 8:17 PM EDT

Got OpVines

ceslis May 9 2009 8:26 PM EDT

Voted =) Best of luck to you.

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 8:28 PM EDT

Got ya Ceslis

QBRanger May 9 2009 8:29 PM EDT


Keep your stinking money.

Burton May 9 2009 8:47 PM EDT

Voted - I'll take my money AND Rangers. :)

kevlar May 9 2009 8:55 PM EDT


Flamey May 9 2009 9:16 PM EDT


Untouchable May 9 2009 9:21 PM EDT

i voted

AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 9:24 PM EDT

Got those 4

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] May 9 2009 9:55 PM EDT

Voted! Please send the money to my storage.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 9 2009 10:27 PM EDT

Best Project, Best New Project , and Best Tool/Utility for Developers

Good Luck NS :)

Demigod May 9 2009 10:29 PM EDT

You confirmed the following nomination(s):

* MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows 64 for Best Tool or Utility for Developers

There's your first vote from me. I have a feeling you'll win by an obvious landslide. :)

Messbrutal May 9 2009 11:00 PM EDT

Thank you for confirming your nominations!
You confirmed the following nomination(s):
MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows 64 for Best Tool or Utility for Developers
MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows 64 for Best Project
MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows 64 for Best New Project


AdminTal Destra May 9 2009 11:02 PM EDT

Got everyone on this thread up to and including Brutal

TheCakeIsTheTruth May 9 2009 11:04 PM EDT

I voted just havent confirmed my email yet.. lol

{cb2}Dinh May 9 2009 11:27 PM EDT

Voted for the top three categories and confirmed email...keep the money Tal, good luck NS! :)

Lefty May 10 2009 2:15 AM EDT

Voted for Best Tool for Developers :)

QBOddBird May 10 2009 2:26 AM EDT

Voted. :)

AdminTal Destra May 20 2009 5:44 PM EDT

Got to OB

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] May 20 2009 5:44 PM EDT

I did.

Unappreciated Misnomer May 20 2009 5:49 PM EDT


Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] May 20 2009 5:50 PM EDT

Maybe you should explain too us non chatters what this thread is for, or else i'm not voting =o. haha.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] May 20 2009 5:52 PM EDT

meh nevermind just saw the other thread.

AdminTal Destra May 20 2009 5:53 PM EDT

Got to dream and skipping Kefeck

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] May 20 2009 5:54 PM EDT

but i voted!!

three4thsforsaken May 20 2009 6:13 PM EDT

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