Chat not working? (in General)

AdminTal Destra May 8 2009 9:48 AM EDT

I don't see another thread, so I'm wondering if I am the only one...

BadFish May 8 2009 9:48 AM EDT

can't connect here.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] May 8 2009 9:48 AM EDT

It is also down for me.

{cb2}Dinh May 8 2009 9:53 AM EDT


Burton May 8 2009 9:54 AM EDT

Same as me, and I got 100 free BA in the meantime.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 8 2009 9:55 AM EDT

Neither for me, but I did not get free BA.

Burton May 8 2009 9:59 AM EDT

Hmm.. Well, looks like I got 108 free BA, but got 24 subtracted off my free BA for NUB when I know 100% sure I didn't touch it yet.

Weird, but I guess I can't complain.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] May 8 2009 10:04 AM EDT

There was a brief downtime that might explain the chat issues, and it also gave everyone BA, well, most everyone.

AdminNightStrike May 8 2009 10:54 AM EDT

Chat's back.
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