good evening everyone (in New players)

SOS May 7 2009 11:00 PM EDT

I finally found a simple game to bypass some time before my night shift starts here at the club. The guide at the beginning was very helpful and I am enjoying the game so far. My English is not proficient, but I will try to communicate with everyone!

Demigod May 7 2009 11:03 PM EDT

Welcome aboard!

j'bob May 7 2009 11:12 PM EDT

Hmmm, if your English gets any better, the "English speaking" folks here might have a hard time understanding you. Try to use small words, they're very simple people here.

And welcome to the Blender!

Have some cake :D

GoLDeNGaTE May 7 2009 11:13 PM EDT

Welcome to CB!

QBOddBird May 7 2009 11:15 PM EDT

Welcome to CB!

Try Chatmailing Bast, she loves to help improve everyone's vocabulary.

Let us know if you need any help, we're all glad to try to provide some assistance :)

Invader Sye May 7 2009 11:20 PM EDT

i can't get over those six pack abs...

oh yeah, welcome to cb :)

Untouchable May 7 2009 11:22 PM EDT

hi, im Untouchable
i really am

j'bob May 7 2009 11:26 PM EDT

/me pokes untouchable.

Rawr May 7 2009 11:30 PM EDT

/j'bob dies.

j'bob May 8 2009 12:38 AM EDT

/me comes back as a Zombie (one of the big ugly ones) and pokes Rawr...
with a nasty infected finger!!!!

oh noes... THIS IS HOW IT STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M ZOMBIE ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!
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