May 6 2009 2:14 PM EDT
Now at:
A Mageseeker [5x3000] (+0) NW: 26,092,007
only x1000 more to go...*flails*
May 15 2009 6:21 PM EDT
just got back from my trip, so I should be getting back on schedule with the bow.
May 17 2009 11:29 AM EDT
My internet connection has been dodgy at best lately, haven't been able to get online since I got home Thursday...so I'm calling the forge job finished here, requesting payment, and any more forging I can get done on alisa's MSK before it returns will be free.
Originally: A Mageseeker [5x743] (+0) 6,455,766
Now: A Mageseeker [5x3333] (+0) 28,959,157
Difference: 22,503,391
@ 80%: 18,002,712
Paid: 5M
Paid: 7,668,720
Remaining amount owed: 5,333,992.
I apologize for the way the forge job went, I've had difficulties with my connection the entire time.
From IP To What When
alisa (bimbi) QBOddBird (Rogue) $5333992 -- forge msk 8:09 AM EDT
spell checker spell checker..
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