Newbie here (in New players)

Kyousho May 3 2009 11:41 PM EDT

hey y'all!

i've decided to come back with a new account after a 4 year hiatus lol. hope we can all get along :)

Rawr May 3 2009 11:48 PM EDT

why hello :)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] May 3 2009 11:49 PM EDT

Oooh, I really like your user pic :D

Welcome to CB!!

Kyousho May 3 2009 11:51 PM EDT

thanks :D

Rawr May 3 2009 11:51 PM EDT

his left hand looks a bit funky though :)

Demigod May 3 2009 11:55 PM EDT

Welcome back!

Kyousho May 4 2009 12:07 AM EDT

@rawr: well bah to you too; it looks just fine to me :P

and this might sound stupid, but do I need to buy ammunition for ranged weapons?

Rawr May 4 2009 12:09 AM EDT

Nope! Your ranged weapons shoot lazer beams now!

Demigod May 4 2009 12:09 AM EDT

No, arrows and bolts were dropped from the game.
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