Draco Clones Unite!! (in Off-topic)
April 30 2009 8:03 PM EDT
I hate you all!
But I love you meso and I also love Hakai!
I mostly just hate tal... and even then it's more of an intense desire to see him given a stout wedgie.
this is tal
keep a look out there is more than one clone now!
I swear I had nothing to do with this whole situation!
April 30 2009 8:07 PM EDT
I'm ignoring every DrAcO I see in Chat.
We are Borg, Resistance is Futile!
I'll fund a whole tourney if an admin will change the not DrAcO's names to; tweedle-dee tweedle-dum tweedle-der and tweedle-duh
LOL! NOV!!! That would be pretty awesome.
But horridly against the naming rights. We're allowed to choose any PG name we want, and if we all want to be DrAcO, we can. ^.^
Naming rights? hahahah *chortle* *gufaw* *pass out from laughing*
You have no rights... Hilarity trumps all!
people should grab the prior names the clones have so they can't change back ^^
I, personally, use like six names. This is just the flavor of the month for me.
April 30 2009 9:27 PM EDT
In response to Novice:
This has been done before (for different reasons) and therefore has precedence. As long as DrAcO5676 (the original) does not want this army of "clones" around, this applies:
I trust you remember (from CB1) Todd and his character Thing1.
In CB1, six or seven players changed their names to names like "Todd's smelly uncle", "Todd's nosy neighbor", "Todd's evil twin" and so forth. Todd changed their names to Thing2, Thing3, Thing4, Thing5, etc.
If DrAcO5676 does not want these people to "clone" him, he should support novice. Especially since novice has offered to fund a tournament.
"Naming rights" mean nothing. This has precedence.
April 30 2009 10:19 PM EDT
This is far too scary...
This is far too funny! Go for Gold Nov&Draco I totally dare you to do it >:D
haha. This is kinda funny.. ^.^
"I'm ignoring every DrAcO I see in Chat."
And you know what else? I wouldn't even mind it if your numbers didn't all look the same to me. If they were just Draco1, draco2 draco3 etc.
But I'm am incapable of telling the difference so whenever you guys change your names back, I'll take you off ignore.
And for those who think I'm overreacting/being mean/whatever, I am dyslexic (god I hate that word), and their names actually hurt my eyes. xD
I suppose Hakai ignored me when I was an fish.
that was fun while it lasted, is it Wiki worthy?
No. I think Draco would like to forget this as soon as possible.
May 1 2009 6:53 AM EDT
But horridly against the naming rights. We're allowed to choose any PG name we want, and if we all want to be DrAcO, we can. ^.^
On the contrary, when you disrupt the peace in chat or forums, you'll be given a penalty for it. I honestly think you people got away with it reasonably cheap... you could have all gotten 48! or a fine...
at least put my name back to what its supposed to be...
I'm Tal_Destra not plain Tal
May 1 2009 10:24 AM EDT
There's already a Tal_Destra, Tal. That name is taken.
May 1 2009 10:26 AM EDT
Then I shall be like Godwolf and whine and moan until he gets renamed, that is MY name
May 1 2009 10:29 AM EDT
Lol, I've had someone take my name when I changed, I just had to wait until they returned to the usual one.
Nobody here except Jonathan has a "reserved" name.
Then why did Raveshaw and AG_Titan get removed from the Godwolf name if no one has a reserved name?????
May 1 2009 10:37 AM EDT
I had someone take Ranger when I changed my name.
All part of the risk one takes when changing a name.
You can live with it, wait for them to change, ask them nicely to change, or even bribe them to change.
But I am sure if Jon changes his name, someone would be quick to try to take his.
May 1 2009 10:37 AM EDT
Could you give us a link? I can't find the thread to which you are referring.
I think crying about it is a great idea, in fact you should pester Jon or NS until they fix it for you. Demand justice!
Seriously, I just don't want to hear another word out of you. It's like the kid who takes someones toy and when the other kid does the same he freaks out crying. It's pathetic.
Except one thing novice...
Draco (original) wanted me to do this
I don't know about him wanting rave and pk and silva to follow or not, but thats not the issue
saying "do it" as a response to a threat does NOT mean he wanted you to...
It's a challenge, and the foreboding that goes along with it might have gone over your head. The results seem to have managed to get you right in the face however.
This has happened b4 and that is why there is a 30 day rule on name changes. These rules enable CB Chat to be able to function properly.
Could an admin change my name back?
May 1 2009 11:09 AM EDT
After the confusion, you're stuck with names you no longer want? Oh, sorry Kefeck and Tal, but this is just too amusing. Poetic justice. :)
May 1 2009 11:11 AM EDT
Indeed, righteous served right back at ya ;)
Meh, i woke up too some pretty colorful chat mails. I'd rather not have that happen again.
May 1 2009 11:17 AM EDT
Meh, the stunt was funny. It shouldn't have come to nasty CMs.
May 1 2009 11:18 AM EDT
It wasn't funny... X_x
It was confusing and insanity!
well said Novice. Well said.
I found this little fiasco a little annoying and immature. C'mon guys, what has happened to out community?
Thats easy 3/4ths. We're bored.
Hmm I don't know what happened, but why is everyone getting angry at people messing with other people's name? People do that all the time... (I dont use chat so I'm missing something I guess?)
I mean I was VANILLA rICE for a long time, poking fun at VANILLA novICE (Dinh)... I got tons of chatmails from people thinking the name was clever and fun...
So is this whole event to say that that is at an end? If not I guess I just don't understand the whole situation. *shrug*
May 1 2009 2:54 PM EDT
Jiraiya - that's totally different from
<draco2343> hi
<draco3234> hi
<draco2334> hi
<draco3243> hi
<draco4323> hi
<draco2343> whatsup
<draco3234> nm
<draco2334> nm
<draco3243> nm
<draco4323> nm
It becomes difficult to know who is talking, keep track of the conversation, and pretty much everything said = spam.
OB. I hate you oh so very much for that last post x_x
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