hi all (in New players)

Zugzwang April 29 2009 4:34 AM EDT

Just joined, so far the experience had been ok, hope it can keep me here for much longer :D

Some feedback so far:

1. I reshape my char based on Wiki recommendation on single fireball mage, but somehow the tutorial part of the game forced me to hire 2 minions. And those money are not refundable.

2. THere's a strange box below, after browsing a few, I found out it's a chat box, and it really doesn't work at all. Maybe it's due to firewall or some browser settings on my behalf , but anyway, just want to point out. I found out how to disabled it in the end.

3. After some reads on wiki, I think this game has quite a friendly community. Kudos to all.

AdminShade April 29 2009 4:40 AM EDT

1: you'll be making much more money than you think now, the refund would only be 0.5% of it ;p

2: that's a java based chat indeed. possibly due to firewall or other circumstances it might not work, try downloading java from www.sun.com?

3: Good luck and have a great time. Remember to ask us questions if you seem to be stuck.

Demigod April 29 2009 7:30 AM EDT

If I recall correctly, I think chat may not be available until after you complete the lovely tutorial.

And welcome, I hope you stick around for doughnuts.

QBOddBird April 29 2009 7:33 AM EDT

Nah, if that chat box is appearing, then he's far enough along that he should have Chat.

Do you have Java downloaded? In any event, welcome to CB! :)
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