Where is my dexterity penalty (in General)

QBRanger April 16 2009 5:22 PM EDT

I trained 3M dex. I have no items to increase or decrease it as the BOM with a 1H weapon is said to be neutral via the wiki.

But in battle I have 2,992,330 dexterity.

Where is the 7.6k loss?

I know of course it matters little in combat, but I am a perfectionist and would like to know who is stealing my dex.

iBananco [Blue Army] April 16 2009 5:24 PM EDT

Enc? EC? Combination of the two?

QBRanger April 16 2009 5:25 PM EDT

Must be a hidden ENC factor.

Net Worth: $395,101,616
Encumbered at: 394,091,513

I do not see any ENC as I used to. But it must keep some record I am not yet up to my ENC load and figure it in.


QBRanger April 16 2009 5:26 PM EDT

By not seeing ENC, I mean on my battle report.

Little Anthony April 16 2009 5:27 PM EDT

too much NW :D

QBRanger April 16 2009 5:28 PM EDT

All of the weapons are borrowed.

Thank Jon for rentals!!!

Thak April 16 2009 6:32 PM EDT

are you having a AxBow used against you?

Wizard'sFirstRule April 16 2009 10:56 PM EDT

0.00ENC sometimes mean <0.01 but >0.00 ENC.

AdminShade April 17 2009 2:45 AM EDT

if your enc doesn't show, it could be below 1% but it would still be calculated

AdminShade April 17 2009 3:03 AM EDT

your encumbrance was 0.256%

Your DX penalty then became 7689
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