Settling all my open debts...[[Click]] (in Public Record)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] April 15 2009 1:27 AM EDT

Alright. Time to make sure I'm paid up.
My NCB ends next week, and I'd like all my debts to be repaid by then or shortly after.

First things first. The only outstanding debt I can think of right now is my open rental with lostling

Hakai (Frost Mage) lostling (The Triad) An Amulet of Focus ($16262345) -- Plz recalculate debt 1:14 AM EDT

Item returned. Please recalculate the total amount owed, to be paid in full as soon as I have enough. Thank you. Or, if you prefer, I can send you what I have now, and keep sending every 100k I get. Let me know.


If I missed your debt, I apologize. Please take into consideration that 1) it's 12 am. And 2) that I've been known to have a terrible memory. lol.
Just post what is owed, and if possible, the link back to the PR.

Serious posts only please. I will request an Admin remove all posts that do not belong here, so as to not confuse my record keeping.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] April 15 2009 12:18 PM EDT

So...that's it?

lostling April 15 2009 12:53 PM EDT

start date Time is Wed Dec 10 11:21:21 EST 2008
end date Time is Wed Apr 15 12:51:42 EDT 2009

18 x 110k = 1.98mill

just send the money when you get the full amount :)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] April 26 2009 12:08 PM EDT

Hakai (Frost Mage) lostling (The Triad) $1500000 -- sending rest soon 12:03 PM EDT

Ok. I finally sent a part of the payment. >_<
I'll have to send the remaining 500k after I get paid for my latest forge job today.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] April 26 2009 3:06 PM EDT

Hakai (Frost Mage) lostling (The Triad) $500000 -- debt done, thanks!! 3:05 PM EDT

All done. And since no one else has stepped up, I take it that completes all my debts.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] April 26 2009 4:15 PM EDT

Well you owe me money for tattoo leveling but we already agreed you'd pay after i'm done, whenever your ready ^.^.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] April 26 2009 4:19 PM EDT

hehe, yep. I could never forget my trusty Partner in Crime. I love that silly little SF. ;p

And that's why I want to be sure all my other debts are settled up. So I make sure all my profits from forging can cover the levelling.

TheHatchetman April 26 2009 4:20 PM EDT

You owe me my heart, thief! :o

KittehShinobu April 26 2009 9:16 PM EDT

=3 and you still owe me monaey from the split cbd deal we had to make ^_^ but I'll let you settle all your other debts before hand.

AdminShade April 27 2009 1:23 AM EDT

and you owe me money for that drunken bet you made a few weeks ago :p

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] April 27 2009 1:34 AM EDT

"=3 and you still owe me monaey from the split cbd deal we had to make ^_^ but I'll let you settle all your other debts before hand."

Well. Technically, I don't *owe* you money. Promising to sell you some of my future money does not equal a actual debt.
But ok.

And lol @ Hatch and Shade ^_~

KittehShinobu April 27 2009 2:26 AM EDT

^_^ Hakai, I didnt say it was a debt. =3 a promised deal is what is owed and read the fine print at the end "Once all your other debts are paid" ^_^ so I am willing to wait. But poor hatchy's heart and shade's unknown drunken debt lol.

QBOddBird April 27 2009 2:30 AM EDT

She doesn't owe you anything, Shinobu.

There's no PR saying "I'll sell you money later," you haven't paid her for money telling her she owes you something in a thread about debts is like saying she has a debt to you, and she does not.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 27 2009 10:52 AM EDT

yeah, if that were the case every girl OB has ever seen would "owe" him a night out, since they already said yes in his head

QBOddBird April 27 2009 10:58 AM EDT

Pfft, that's because "no" really means "go spray on some cologne and try again in 5 minutes."

After about 30 minutes of that though you pretty much have to give up or it will wreak hell on your sinuses

Demigod April 27 2009 11:03 AM EDT

"Serious posts only please. I will request an Admin remove all posts that do not belong here, so as to not confuse my record keeping."

Hakai Fail. At least it stayed serious longer than expected. :)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] April 27 2009 11:09 AM EDT

lol, Demigod.

I really do fail. xD I forgot all about writing that!!!

+5 to you!! ;p

KittehShinobu April 27 2009 12:49 PM EDT

it failed when the actual admin posted what he did. ^_^ Even the admin will be willing to agree that well, there is a time and place for everything, after 5 or so posts is the perfect time not to be serious. Lol, so good luck with all your debt memory gathering... altzheimers will do that to anyone. ^_^ Just contact ME once everything's been settled so we can work on our own private deal ^_~
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