Hey :) (in New players)

Lefty April 13 2009 12:43 PM EDT

What's up guys/gals.

I just started playing this game about 30 minutes ago, and it seems to be going ok. I've managed to start winning some fights, and have gotten great help from some of the members in chat, which is great to see.

Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you in the future.


Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 13 2009 12:44 PM EDT

Good luck hope to see you around often

chaosal April 13 2009 12:47 PM EDT

hey, welcome- have fun :)

Demigod April 13 2009 12:56 PM EDT

Welcome aboard. Search through the "Help!" link at the top left for lots of tips, and just let us know if you need anything. :)

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] April 13 2009 1:11 PM EDT

Welcome! It's great to have you.
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