Aww... 100k? (in General)

Rawr April 8 2009 2:16 AM EDT

"Shire: You will be in the Shire from your sign-up until 3 weeks of playing time.
Rivendell: You will be in Rivendell when you have played more than 3 weeks but less than 6 months.
Lorien: You will be in Lorien when you have played more than 6 months but less than 1 year.
Gondor: After 1 year you finally move to Gondor, the last Realm"

But, but, mommy, I'm less than 6 months old! Why do I have to play with the big kids in Lorien?

Wizard'sFirstRule April 8 2009 9:13 AM EDT

Rawr, I feel so cheated at that title. What does 100k have to do with your comment? It is worse than rickrolling.

Anyway, I found this nice scenery of Lord of the Ring Set. Enjoy!!!

Lord of the Ring Linky

AdminShade April 8 2009 10:40 AM EDT

Indeed, you are only a few days longer than 5 months old... and don't have a character which is older.

No idea to help you :(

QBOddBird April 8 2009 10:55 AM EDT

I think the 100k had to do with the increased character naming cost? I dunno.

Lord Bob April 8 2009 1:06 PM EDT

What is the point of realms anyway? Do they have any mechanical effect on any aspect of this game, or are they merely decorative?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 8 2009 1:09 PM EDT

They're nice for new users. They get to see themselves near the top of something, it's a mild bit of encouragement in what could other wise look like a long road uphill.

AdminShade April 8 2009 1:15 PM EDT

Realms are made both to encourage internal competition in the (lower) ranks of newbies,

as well as making veterans pay more for some things which they should know better not to :p

rrowland April 8 2009 1:36 PM EDT

I was very excited to be topping Shire by double second place but now I see it's all a scam. :(

Rawr April 8 2009 7:07 PM EDT

"I think the 100k had to do with the increased character naming cost? I dunno"

Yes, it isn't a big deal, but I figured it should be mentioned that I am in the incorrect realm.

No biggie. Thanks for the responses, I suppose.
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