New...ish (in New players)

lordbiohazard79 March 29 2009 10:31 PM EDT

Hi. Well, I'm not that new, as in I've been playing for a week now, but I've finally gotten around to introducing myself. I was referred to this by a friend for lack of an outlet for DnD (yeah, I'm that big of a nerd), and him being my DnD buddy and all, now 3 states away, I have some means of doing something de-constructive with my time. I've been having lots of fun and will continue to do so! Great to be here!

Demigod March 29 2009 10:57 PM EDT

I guess it's a slightly belated "welcome aboard" for you. Cheers!

chaosal March 30 2009 2:10 PM EDT

kill kill kill!

AdminShade March 30 2009 2:20 PM EDT

we don't usually use D20's here but every once in a while we throw D1000's at new players :p

QBOddBird March 30 2009 4:18 PM EDT

Welcome to CB! :)

Ahziz March 31 2009 12:35 AM EDT

oooOOOooo, i NEED a D1000, as big as the D100s were, i bet D1000s are REALLY impressive :P
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