you think the world will end in 2012? (in General)

Untouchable March 28 2009 8:18 PM EDT

this question has been asked many many times before,

and it shall be asked again!

im just curious to your guys' opinions. it kind of trips me out :p

iBananco [Blue Army] March 28 2009 8:19 PM EDT

The world's going to end in 2000.

Tyriel [123456789] March 28 2009 8:20 PM EDT

If the world ends in 2012, I won't be around to care about it. So, frankly, I don't care if the world is going to end or not. If it does, it does. If not, it doesn't change my life in any way. So it doesn't matter. :)

AdminShade March 28 2009 8:21 PM EDT


two thousand and twelve





Nope, it will not end :)

TheCakeIsTheTruth March 28 2009 8:24 PM EDT

2012 Pfft, we got Y2K to worry about.

Haloki March 28 2009 8:26 PM EDT

the mayan long count? is that what your basing the question on

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 28 2009 8:28 PM EDT

I don't worry about when the world is going to end. Only that I am ready when it does.

Untouchable March 28 2009 8:30 PM EDT

yes Haloki, 'tis :D

winner winner March 28 2009 8:32 PM EDT

There are people other than mayans that think the world will end in 2012.

Haloki March 28 2009 8:35 PM EDT

Well in their culture in points not to the end of the world but to the end of...... something a renewal of time and events it also is the time when the earth completes a 26,000 year wobble on its axis how the mayans new that is amazing

kevlar March 28 2009 8:41 PM EDT

I love the part, "we live in exponential times".... so true.

chaosal March 28 2009 8:42 PM EDT

it'd be nice if the world ends, but don't get your hopes up.

TheCakeIsTheTruth March 28 2009 8:52 PM EDT

kevlar, that video freaked me right out man. I'm bookmarking that video..

Little Anthony March 28 2009 9:04 PM EDT

Just I and a pair of lesbo can help recreate the world in 20 years. Don't worry! The future-you will be okie.

TheHatchetman March 28 2009 9:56 PM EDT

I doubt the world will end in 2012... But one can always hope...

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 28 2009 10:09 PM EDT

It already has. No point in staying off the couch now.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] March 28 2009 10:21 PM EDT

The world should already be gone, but I'm a lazy guy.

Maybe tomorrow.

Unappreciated Misnomer March 29 2009 12:59 PM EDT

i understood that not the end of the world but that we as society would evolve conciously and transcend our current boundries. and see gamma rays and magic. or maybe that was the me just being blown apart..huh?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 29 2009 1:06 PM EDT

i have seen some of the shows that talk of this, i watched them mainly because it was supposed to happen on my birthday or the winter solstice.

the same show that talked of this basically said that it will be the end of a cycle. for anything cyclical though, the end of one cycle is the beginning of another.

each year on december 31st for most of us we see the end of a cycle. usually the worst thing that happens though is a mild hangover! ; )

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] March 29 2009 1:15 PM EDT

Probably not, luckily I'm used to disappointment.
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