The Top: SuperHD's Vectoidz (in Off-topic)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 23 2009 5:13 PM EDT

He's beating Conundrum, and very close to beating Mikel better than 50% of the time. I'm going to go out on a limb and congratulate him on the top spot! Archery lives!

AdminTal Destra March 23 2009 5:20 PM EDT


blackshadowshade March 23 2009 5:32 PM EDT

Yessir, Novice!

Grats to you, SuperHD!

AdminQBVerifex March 23 2009 5:32 PM EDT

Whoa awesome! Congrats!

BluBBen March 23 2009 5:36 PM EDT

Awesome work!

Brakke Bres [Ow man] March 23 2009 5:44 PM EDT

could you imagine without the earlier nerf what kind of damages he would have done?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 23 2009 5:56 PM EDT


/em looks around for all the nerf 100 bth signs i made last september.

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] March 23 2009 6:05 PM EDT


I want to point out that that's my NCB from last year, but I really don't think I can take any credit for it. You really have made it your own character. Way to go!

SuperHD March 23 2009 6:51 PM EDT

Thanks Novice you are a great guy !

Thanks everybody !

hmmm..hmmm there is one character i cant defeat, that i have never defeated... who is it ? try to find it out !

LittleLauren March 23 2009 7:00 PM EDT

Would that be Freed's "The hens of Daze"?

SuperHD March 23 2009 7:24 PM EDT

Right on Little Lauren! you're good !

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 23 2009 7:46 PM EDT

Way to go, ripping up the top from out of no where! ;)

chaosal March 23 2009 7:46 PM EDT

yeah marl i guess you'll have to revise your story :)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 23 2009 7:47 PM EDT

"Possibly." ;)

kevlar March 23 2009 7:58 PM EDT


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 25 2009 12:00 AM EDT

and NOW he gets six hits in a round with an ELB... holy crap

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] March 25 2009 12:04 AM EDT

Can JS beat him or was he unequiped at the time? o.O
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