im in ur CB, makin u dumb (in Contests)

deifeln March 19 2009 7:51 PM EDT

Second annual CB lolcat contest!!! For the first, look here!!!

The top three CB themed lolcatz will win an awesome prize.
1st) 4m CB
2nd) 1m CB
3rd) 500k CB

Simple rules:

1. Submissions will be open until April 19th at 11:59 PM server time. Please plan ahead!
2. Post ONLY submissions below. No links...learn to use html :o)
3. Extra points for a demonstrated knowledge of CB1/CB2 history.
4. Bonus iz for can has cat and walrus in same pic (no photoshop for this).
5. Judges to be announced in April! I will distribute prizes and officiate (send donations to Home)
6. Post ONLY submissions below. (I posted this twice for a reason, please follow this simple will make judging much easier.)

k thanks, bye!

This is in the spirit of the following conversation. I love chat.

<[Blarg]> im in ur CB, makin u dum
<[Blarg]> ah OB, next month should be lolcat month
<deifeln> letz make a lolcat contest...pic plus phrase
<deifeln> must be CB related
<xXCutiewitaBootyXx> That's a great idea deifeln
<[Blarg]> how did you ever get a QB
<xXCutiewitaBootyXx> Title + phrase on motivational posters, must be CB related
<JS> im in ur tattoo firin' ur ball

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- March 19 2009 9:33 PM EDT

QBOddBird March 19 2009 11:00 PM EDT

My CB LOLcats:


smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 19 2009 11:26 PM EDT

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 19 2009 11:27 PM EDT

Cause Fear anyone? lol.

Mesoshort March 19 2009 11:36 PM EDT

Hakai trying to fix her computer:

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] March 19 2009 11:38 PM EDT

*dies laughing*

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] March 20 2009 12:29 AM EDT

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] March 20 2009 12:32 AM EDT

Mesoshort March 20 2009 12:44 AM EDT

You and your silly rules can bite me. I like my post. Learn HTML. You just don't know me. It took like hours just to learn simple binary with three people teaching me XD So... there!

iBananco [Blue Army] March 20 2009 1:04 AM EDT

TheHatchetman March 20 2009 1:07 AM EDT

Meso's entry:

Hakai fixing her computer:

three4thsforsaken March 20 2009 1:10 AM EDT

Lol at deifeln7!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 20 2009 5:34 PM EDT

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] March 20 2009 5:45 PM EDT

Watchmen defeated King of Pain (Battle Royale) after 21 rounds of combat

I'm better than your robotic Jedi, bra.

AdminShade March 20 2009 10:17 PM EDT

lol, who said it was novice who was the robot? :O

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 21 2009 2:32 AM EDT

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] March 21 2009 2:47 AM EDT

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] March 21 2009 2:48 AM EDT

Wizard'sFirstRule March 21 2009 5:21 AM EDT

that kitten of hakai(with computer) is mesocute.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- April 1 2009 3:26 AM EDT

Bump >.> any winners??

deifeln April 4 2009 10:44 PM EDT

Submissions still open

kevlar April 4 2009 11:57 PM EDT

Photobucket Photobucket

kevlar April 5 2009 2:28 AM EDT


kevlar April 5 2009 2:34 AM EDT


kevlar April 5 2009 2:38 AM EDT


kevlar April 6 2009 3:24 PM EDT


Mesoshort April 6 2009 3:28 PM EDT

These are making me lol. I love you guys ^.^

kevlar April 10 2009 8:50 PM EDT


deifeln April 11 2009 12:20 PM EDT


Messbrutal April 15 2009 7:39 PM EDT


Messbrutal April 15 2009 7:51 PM EDT

DoS April 15 2009 8:42 PM EDT

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 15 2009 10:54 PM EDT

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

[P]Mitt April 16 2009 1:55 AM EDT

TheHatchetman April 16 2009 3:48 AM EDT

nov, i totally asked, CB cat is apparently not allowed :P

Soxjr April 16 2009 4:49 AM EDT

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 16 2009 12:18 PM EDT

Wait what? Says who? Why?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 19 2009 10:20 AM EDT

just doin the bump

kevlar April 19 2009 10:51 AM EDT

Photobucket Photobucket

kevlar April 19 2009 10:56 AM EDT

this is a really fun contest :) Come on guys, last day! (some help with LOL cat speak:

AdminTal Destra April 19 2009 12:21 PM EDT

for AdmiralKiller

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 19 2009 12:22 PM EDT

I want it to say this....underneath
"Carp me will ya!.. Now for my revenge!"

Lochnivar April 19 2009 1:19 PM EDT

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