Soul Eater
March 11 2009 12:18 AM EDT
I've just noticed lately a ton of people have been quitting there clans. Anyone have any idea why?
Soul Eater
March 11 2009 12:19 AM EDT
I have because like 5 people on fight list that were in clans are no longer in them.
People constantly rotate characters in and out of clans. It's not a new occurrence by far. There's lots of reasons.
I've noticed that overall clan scores are a bit low for the week, maybe because of this new clan that took over for the time being.
March 11 2009 12:25 AM EDT
because i told them to...
March 11 2009 12:27 AM EDT
Because clan loyalty doesn't exist and never really has?
Yep. That's it.
March 11 2009 12:31 AM EDT
Clan loyalty exists. Just because some people don't feel attached to their clans doesn't mean all clan people are like that.
Soul Eater
March 11 2009 12:42 AM EDT
I for one really love my new clan, because the people in it are really nice and very generous.
Rank / Bonus: 1 / 15.0%
Thats pretty nice too, hey? haha xD.
March 11 2009 12:56 AM EDT
I've only been in one clan since seriously playing CB2, and I plan on staying with them.
...Of course, I'm not in a clan at the moment because I don't have the time to keep my points positive.
But like Hakai said, I'm sure there're lots of reasons...
Steve G
March 11 2009 12:59 AM EDT
im fine with the knighthood =)....besides the last time i left a clan it started an all out war within CB haha :p
March 11 2009 1:31 AM EDT
I too have noticed quite a few people leaving and then, sometimes, moving to other clans. It's quite frustrating.
The clan system could use a rework...
Then again, so could quite a few things. Or, you know, we could all be (as is normal for CB) totally against change and watch as the number of users continues to decrease! =D Sounds like a plan.
I recently left my clan b-c I could not stay positive any more, and I've recently begun preparing for a promotion so I will not have as much time to devote to cb as I would like. So, I left the clan out of respect for the other in it, I didn't want my negitive points to be a burden to them.
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