Bob Hits 7/10 (in General)

Lord Bob March 3 2009 11:19 PM EST

I don't normally do milestone posts, but today I finally hit 7/10. This has been my main goal for several months now, so I'm pretty pleased with myself. And honestly, I see no way to advance further outside of a N*B replacement. So yeah, I just achieved my primary objective today. It feels good. I'll now continue fighting mainly just to keep this status.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 3 2009 11:21 PM EST


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 3 2009 11:22 PM EST


Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] March 3 2009 11:24 PM EST

Good job =)

lostling March 3 2009 11:51 PM EST

errrm 6/20 you mean?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 3 2009 11:52 PM EST

6/20 would be around 2.85m mpr.

Lord Bob March 3 2009 11:52 PM EST

"errrm 6/20 you mean?"


What makes you think I mean 6/20?

lostling March 3 2009 11:53 PM EST

oops mistype =x 7/20

Lord Bob March 3 2009 11:55 PM EST

Oh. Yes, 7/20.

*looks embarrassed*

Haloki March 4 2009 12:20 AM EST

you did it bob not post in mine you knob he he bob

Lord Bob March 4 2009 12:32 AM EST


You seem more drunk than I am.

DoS March 4 2009 12:40 AM EST

Congrats Bob! :D

QBJohnnywas March 4 2009 2:04 AM EST

Nice work!!!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 4 2009 2:11 AM EST

Awesome! Old School!
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