Retire? (in Public Record)

AdminTal Destra February 28 2009 11:11 PM EST

Can you retire a character? i am starting DoS's NCB tomorrow and i need to retire Tal but i have rentals

if so how much do i owe? ill give 150k to do it

TheHatchetman February 28 2009 11:25 PM EST

If you have rented items, it's as simple as moving them off of your char. If you're renting out your own items, however, nothing can be done.

AdminNightStrike February 28 2009 11:43 PM EST

I assumed it'd be possible, since I've seen people with rentals get auto-retired. I jsut tried it with you, hwoever, and hit a server error.

AdminTal Destra February 28 2009 11:52 PM EST

this is the same character that had issues getting into a clan like a month and 1/2 ago so i don't know

Brakke Bres [Ow man] March 1 2009 4:59 AM EST

Cancel rental button?

AdminShade March 1 2009 3:22 PM EST

Auto retire is possible with rentals.

forced retire however isn't possible. Just wait :)

AdminTal Destra March 1 2009 3:31 PM EST

w00t did i just give you an idea?

AdminTal Destra March 1 2009 3:31 PM EST

nvm im not all here atm

TheHatchetman March 1 2009 7:05 PM EST

bring on the auto-retire!!! >:)
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