Soul Eater
February 24 2009 10:47 AM EST
100k to the first person to find a full size picture of my Code Geass avatar cause I can't seem to locate it and I'm lazy. So ya first one to find it gets 100k.
Soul Eater
February 24 2009 10:48 AM EST
February 24 2009 11:23 AM EST
It's on your computer, under My Pictures.
(so did I win?)
Soul Eater
February 24 2009 12:48 PM EST
No it's not, it was on my old computer which crashed so I lost the picture and can't find it anymore.
February 24 2009 1:01 PM EST
Can you make that link non-downloadable, post it to an outside website?
Soul Eater
February 24 2009 2:01 PM EST
It's okay, Lamuness found it. Sending 100k now. Thanks.
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