... and we are back (in General)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 23 2009 1:09 PM EST


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 23 2009 1:10 PM EST

except for chat

GnuUzir February 23 2009 1:10 PM EST

That was a scary couple of hours ;-)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 23 2009 1:10 PM EST

Oops, didn't see this thread. Sorry. :(

Wasp February 23 2009 1:11 PM EST

I've been so bored. Finished work early today lol.... I've been on facebook instead.... and I checked the weather.... : (

bohab February 23 2009 1:16 PM EST

Glad to see it wasn't just me, I thought i was going crazy for awhile!

AdminTal Destra February 23 2009 1:18 PM EST

still no chat?

AdminJonathan February 23 2009 1:19 PM EST

that was awesome. serverpronto took the server down by mistake for acceptable use policy violations.

AdminTal Destra February 23 2009 1:21 PM EST

wha? that doesn't make sense to me whatsoever

SuperHD February 23 2009 1:24 PM EST

i went to cbstuff.nl to see if i could get some info about CB... I wanted to write a post in cbstuff.nl to say CB was down but was unable to do so... Yeah CB is back :)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- February 23 2009 1:32 PM EST

Blah thats no fun, glad we're back!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 23 2009 1:53 PM EST

holy crap Jon what did they claim you'd done

Newlin [SeeD] February 23 2009 1:56 PM EST

Yay! We're back!!!

chaosal February 23 2009 1:59 PM EST

it's all that porn going on the admin lines, eh?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] February 23 2009 2:06 PM EST


AdminJonathan February 23 2009 2:16 PM EST

> what did they claim you'd done

they didn't. i emailed their abuse dept and they were all, "oops."

Steve G February 23 2009 3:13 PM EST

did you report their abuse dept as abusive? :P
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