youtube (in Off-topic)

Unappreciated Misnomer February 9 2009 7:07 PM EST

ok i guess this is (somewhat)new and im in total love with it. and i guess if you dont have a youtube account you might, but anywho there is a media player that will constantly play music that you like from youtube OMG! its worth checking out for the plus that you do not need to download or get nasty updates. good bye windows media player, winamp, and VLC!!

ive noticed also it will add music you might like that are in the same genre and its not that bad at their recommendations. i hope you enjoy it as much as i am.

BootyGod February 10 2009 7:47 PM EST

Dude. Where is this miracle music device? I use youtube for my music needs and could seriouls use that.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] February 10 2009 9:55 PM EST

You forgot to give us a link or tell us what it's called...

TheHatchetman February 14 2009 1:14 AM EST ftw

Andy February 14 2009 4:35 PM EST

Pandora left UK ='(

Unappreciated Misnomer February 14 2009 5:02 PM EST

its make an account, followed by searching the band Opeth, look for the word Playlists, BANG!, someone made you a play list 50+ songs of the greatest band, then you make your play list :P

Unappreciated Misnomer February 14 2009 5:05 PM EST

the key word is using someones Play lists during from your search for music or videos
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