BMV: Shield of Capacity (in General)

[RX3]Cotillion December 17 2008 5:25 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 13 97 86.6%

PearsonTritonRaveshaw December 17 2008 9:31 PM EST

Just for future reference, most people call it BMVG for Black Market Voting Guide.

Newlin [SeeD] December 17 2008 9:54 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 27 97 72.2%

Newlin [SeeD] December 19 2008 11:58 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 38 97 60.8%

[RX3]Cotillion December 20 2008 10:23 AM EST

Shield of Capacity 42 97 56.7%

Rawr December 21 2008 12:11 AM EST

Next is heavy cross bow! ONly 90% to go! :X

[RX3]Cotillion December 21 2008 9:09 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 57 97 41.2%

Newlin [SeeD] December 22 2008 4:36 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 64 97 34.0%

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] December 22 2008 5:00 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 68 97 29.9%

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 22 2008 5:04 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 69 97 28.9%

AdminShade December 22 2008 5:13 PM EST

I have no idea what it does but here goes:

Shield of Capacity 71 97 26.8%

[RX3]Cotillion December 23 2008 10:34 AM EST

Shield of Capacity 84 97 13.4%

Newlin [SeeD] December 23 2008 2:05 PM EST

Shield of Capacity 89 97 8.2%

Just 8 more votes to go!

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2008 2:06 PM EST

Make that 7 =D

{cb1}Linguala December 23 2008 2:22 PM EST

down to 5...

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 23 2008 3:29 PM EST

BG's next.

Newlin [SeeD] December 23 2008 4:01 PM EST

just 1 more guys!

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2008 4:32 PM EST

From: auctioneer Sent: 4:31 PM EST
The Shield of Capacity you voted for in the Black Market is now in Auctions

Good job =D
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