WTB: Backbone (in General)

three4thsforsaken December 9 2008 7:13 AM EST

I think many DAS members could use one.

There is no injustice, there is no suffering, there is no destruction of "hard work". No one is dying. The only thing that is happening is that the DAS clan is now getting a 10% clan bonus instead of a 15% clan bonus.

Let me get this straight. The CB community supports NUBs. Go into chat and ask for help, and the so called "Nazis" will help you, heck, most of them will give/loan you their items if you ask nicely.

In fact, this whole idea of them plotting against you with copious amounts of jealousy is just silly.


Read the thread the day before all this clan jazz. Obviously, no one really cared about DAS being top spot. No conspiracy. It's all in your head.

Did you read it? Cause if you did, you'll probably notice the copious amount of bragging and arrogance from the DAS members.

So DAS, you wonder why everyone is after you? Well for starters, your own member put a bounty on yourselves for 20 million. That is one huge incentive. Also note that you guys aren't very good with making friends with the community, all you seem to be doing is firing up your farmers to farm you harder.

You've managed to anger the higher ups so much, that they are farming you not because they get any benefit (which they don't), but because your arrogance fuels them to do so. It's like waving a red flag in front of bull, and when he charges, complain that you're such a small and defenseless child.

So before you try to prove me wrong I want to summarize why you guys are overreacting:

1. You aren't really losing much.
2. You brought this onto yourself. I'm talking about AG titan's 20 mil bounty. And the arrogance and taunts in the threads.

So calm down, take a deep breath and remember that this is just a game.

Remember, that this is a game based on carnage and killing. Note that PvP is pretty much what CB is all about.

And please don't quit because of this, please don't overact. For those whom don't know the CB community, they will accept you and help you regardless of your NUB or vet status. We're not after you.

iBananco [Blue Army] December 9 2008 7:18 AM EST

This should be in FS/WTB.

three4thsforsaken December 9 2008 7:18 AM EST

^I forgot to make an important point that the thread link above: AA is pretty much the only one who thought DAS was a problem.

Most of your current "Smiths" didn't care.

Usul [CHOAM] December 9 2008 8:04 AM EST

Some how I view this little stir about DAS actually adds a little life into current CB, which is a good thing. At least someone took the clan concept seriously :P I don't know since when was the last time we ever have threads with more than 50 posts.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 9 2008 8:26 AM EST

Can we just stop with the insults?

Xiaz on Hiatus December 9 2008 8:34 AM EST

I'm not even involved, but talk about being condescending... /me hides from the 'higher ups.'
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