Training/Rewards (in General)

kevlar November 23 2008 12:31 AM EST

I've learned that the bigger you get the less Battles you can fight. If you save your EXP and train later, does that effect how much rewards are given per battle? I train everytime I get exp, is that the way to do it?

BootyGod November 23 2008 12:41 AM EST

Yes, it is.

Rewards are not determined by MPR but by VPR. Basically, MPR plus any untrained exp. I'm just saying what others have much more thoroughly studied and documented. But that was the summary, as I remember.

QBsutekh137 November 23 2008 12:44 AM EST

Unless you are immune to challenge bonus endeavors (6/20 BA rate) and are waiting out change-month possibilities, there is no downside to training it as you get it, so to speak.

Sickone November 23 2008 12:45 AM EST

You get less BA every 20 minutes, but you get more XP and CB$ per battle to compensate for it... you actually get more and more XP per day if you use all your BA the higher in power you go.

Sickone November 23 2008 12:45 AM EST

Of course, that's assuming you keep same challenge bonus levels (kinda' hard later on).

BootyGod November 23 2008 12:54 AM EST

Kinda impossible later on.

Tyriel [123456789] November 23 2008 3:08 AM EST

IIRC, training more MPR means that your equipment will add more to your PR. Same percentage, greater amount. So it may not *always* be best to continually train, but it won't make *too* much of a difference.

Khardin November 23 2008 3:27 AM EST

If I have active characters in my fight list, I prefer to train in chunks. This way I can tune the ratios of my stats according to how many hps I have after a battle with them while keeping my eye on outpacing a higher character who is vulnerable to a specific skill/strat. This is more of the "real game" which is implied by the balance of skills. So while the experience and cash are the rewards, maintaining a fight list with active characters who might be able to snag targets you can't reach will help keep a high bonus longer. And this is the game most of the high end characters are forced to play since there aren't inactive characters near the top so if you start playing that way early you'll find yourself floating near the top in no time.

Xiaz on Hiatus November 23 2008 3:31 AM EST

The difference, if there is any, would be miniscule.
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