Black Market: Time for a Rescale? (in General)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] November 22 2008 12:55 PM EST

I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed that the rarer items for "Tanks" require almost as many votes as we seem to have supporters, if not more. And not all Supporters even play anymore.

So I was thinking maybe its time to readjust the Black Market Votes required on -all- items down to a point that is relative to the active supporter playerbase.

Rawr November 22 2008 12:56 PM EST

Non supporters can vote too

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] November 22 2008 1:00 PM EST

votes last two weeks, the biggest item would require 90 people to vote on the same item for two consecutive weeks.

the problem here is likely due to the fact that many people do not vote in the black market. solving that problem might be a bit more difficult, but should we expect jon to fix everything?

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] November 22 2008 1:21 PM EST

"the problem here is likely due to the fact that many people do not vote in the black market. solving that problem might be a bit more difficult, but should we expect jon to fix everything?"

Honestly, with the issue regarding the fact that no matter how many times we remake the BMVG, people ignore it and we're forced to give up on anything that requires more than 90 Votes because "its too much".

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] November 22 2008 1:28 PM EST

Wizard'sFirstRule November 22 2008 1:40 PM EST

just have votes never disappear. if you can make a corn yourself, good luck.
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