confused (in General)

AdminTal Destra November 20 2008 5:35 PM EST

if spellboosters give a +3% flat rate to DD what does this translate to a junc. EF?

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] November 20 2008 5:47 PM EST

3 percent to the ef also.

AdminTal Destra November 20 2008 5:54 PM EST

okay so what level does this cast at?

An Electric Familiar lvl 1,189,888?
junc to +10 SBs?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 20 2008 6:08 PM EST

no matter what the + on the boots, it's still a 3% bonus

Unappreciated Misnomer November 20 2008 6:53 PM EST

hp gets zero benefit. but 3% spl dmg. its a mage item.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] November 20 2008 6:58 PM EST

ef trains dd at 100% of level, so take the level and multiply by 1.03 to get the level with spellboosters, this is assuming no other bonuses from items or namings.

AdminTal Destra November 20 2008 7:01 PM EST

thanks dude thats what i was looking for
and thanks nov
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