i don't know/Got BooB deal (in Public Record)

Unappreciated Misnomer November 7 2008 4:01 AM EST

Got BooB is selling me A Set of Boots of Fortitude [12] (+14) 86,013 for 1.3mil from his quitting sale. he tells me he will send the item by the end of the week.

i don't know
(The Nameless One...) Got BooB (FuriousHobo) $1300000 -- for boots of fort14 3:58 AM EST

Unappreciated Misnomer November 10 2008 5:23 PM EST

needless to say im still waiting and Got BooB is not answering any of my cm's despite him/her logging on daily

FuriousHobo November 11 2008 5:46 PM EST

hah, sorry about that. :( And yeah, was a little busy these days and only had time to check up on things.

Sent. Thanks for the deal. :)
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