What to do with the last part of my NCB (in General)

nemods October 19 2008 7:36 AM EDT

Fell like i have hit a wall with my single minion "Null-5" might be the lack of MPR or just a bad set-up.
So I was thinking about hiering a second minion.
Right now my minion is trained like this

1,5mill HP
2,15mill ST
1,13mill DX
1,00 Archery
500k effective DM

and I got all this lovely gear
MsK 5x3000+130
AoM +12
EB +25
Belg +13
HoC +10
BoM +25
ToA lvl 1,7mill

So now if I hired a second minion should it be enchanter or a mage.
One set-up I had in mind was to get a trollskin armor and a EC for my tank and make the ToA into a ToE.
and train some kind of enchantment on my new minion or maybe fireball?
maybe change the BoM to a MgS to boost my survievel skill?

Would be awesome with some advise :)

Yukk October 19 2008 10:08 AM EDT

Any new minion is going to be pretty much useless as a damage dealer for a while. With some NCB left, maybe you could grow it to do some damage, but don't depend on that.

nemods October 19 2008 10:50 AM EDT

Yeah ofc it needs time to grow, was thinking about maybe using CoC instead of FB, any thoughts on that?
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