Black Market Voting Guide(BMVG): Cornuthaum (in General)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] October 19 2008 2:28 AM EDT

Cornuthaum 65 97 33.0%

32 Votes Remaining guys, lets wrap that up and get this steamrolling.

Lets take a vote for next item.

I'd like EBs.

And yes, I see the Mageseeker. Its stupid.

three4thsforsaken October 19 2008 2:54 AM EDT


PearsonTritonRaveshaw October 19 2008 3:39 AM EDT

I need wall gear, unless Jon decides against his armor proficiency skill.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] October 19 2008 4:39 PM EDT


As of right now, Spellboosters are currently leading for the next item.

AdminTal Destra October 19 2008 5:48 PM EDT


ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] October 19 2008 8:36 PM EDT


3D October 21 2008 12:39 AM EDT


IndependenZ October 21 2008 2:40 AM EDT

<auctioneer> [mail:] The Cornuthaum you voted for in the Black Market is now in Auctions

My vote goes to Spellboosters :)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] October 21 2008 2:46 AM EDT

See new thread. :P
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