Protect yourself from drunken emails! (in Off-topic)

Maelstrom October 7 2008 8:07 PM EDT

I read about this today, and immediately thought about a couple of my favorite CBers. Unless you guys have been behaving yourselves lately (ha!), I think everyone knows who I mean ;)

To get to the point, there's a new Gmail feature, Mail Goggles, that you can turn on that asks you whether you're sure you want to send that late-night drunken email. Find it under your Gmail settings, in the Labs tab.

Naturally, it's a good thing there aren't "Forum Goggles" here on CB: as we all know, those late-night drunken forum posts are some of the most amusing! ;)

Lord Bob October 7 2008 8:40 PM EDT


Thraklight Resonance October 8 2008 2:13 AM EDT

Oh, Mythology and Trillian, Stump and Saint and Di, Truc, Strum, Todd, Lord Brand, Shiv, Destluck, Mushu, Jayuu, and (WOOF) Roonie, my bottle of Glenfiddich tells me that one of you will dance with Jonathan, Frod, sutekh, or Bast before the end of the month. You will celebrate carnage as naked as the real man, Avoid, and your names will be erased from the wall of remembrance when you become active in our little community. I ....

QBJohnnywas October 8 2008 2:17 AM EDT


QBBast [Hidden Agenda] October 8 2008 2:44 AM EDT

Someone warble "The Gambler" and we're all set.
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